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Improving Your Attic’s Insulation Using Spray Foam

Your attic plays a role in maintaining your home’s temperature. It helps keep your home warm or cool, depending on the season. However, it’s important to note that it’s not just the presence of an attic that helps your home accomplish this. The attic’s insulation plays a huge part in this as well, and in this article, we’re talking about spray foam insulation.

What is Spray Foam Insulation for Attics

Spray foam insulation is a material that consists of a two-part liquid that is mixed together when it comes out of the spray nozzle. When this occurs, the two parts create a foam that is expanding and will take the shape of whatever it’s sprayed into. This makes it ideal for filling in gaps around pipes, cracks, and crevices or places where there is a need for insulation.

Why Do You Need It?

While spray foam insulation can be used in a number of vital areas of your home, including the walls, it’s a particularly great addition to your attic. Here are some reasons to add spray foam to your attic:

1. Great Insulation

Spray foam is an excellent air barrier, which means that it can stop air from moving through it to get in and out of the home. This means that it’s an excellent way to prevent your home from overworking both heat and air conditioning throughout the winter and summer months. It’s a great solution to lower your energy costs without investing in more expensive HVAC systems.

2. Conserves Energy

When your attic is adequately insulated, it helps your HVAC system to run more efficiently. Without spending too much energy trying to regulate temperatures at home, your HVAC system will be able to exert less effort and demand less electricity. This saves energy and money in the long run, while also lowering your carbon footprint.

3. Fights Moisture

If moisture is entering your home through the attic, it’s not only going to damage your belongings, but it’s also going to damage your attic’s ability to function properly. Spray foam is great at keeping moisture out of the attic, which means you’ll be able to worry less about the effects of mould or mildew.

4. Protects the Environment

Spray foams are made from renewable resources, which means it’s an environmentally conscious choice for insulating your attic. While it’s not a way to be environmentally friendly in a concentrated way, spray foam insulation means less waste. When spray foam is used, it prevents the need for fire-retardant-containing materials in your home’s construction. This means that you’re preventing the use of some harmful compounds.

5. Provides Soundproofing

Spray foam insulation can help to keep your home quiet, which means that you can be assured that your living space isn’t going to be filled with sounds from the outside. By making your home quieter, you’re also making it more comfortable.


Don’t ignore your attic’s insulation needs. Spray foam is a great way to add the necessary insulation, which will help keep your home comfortable. It can be a great asset to your home and a valuable investment. Help your home and environment by using spray foam insulation.

Utilize foam spray insulation for your home! Let our experts at Polar Tech Spray Foam provide you with the best services around, and keep your home adequately insulated for a long time. If you need top-tier insulation services in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, and other nearby areas, contact us today!

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