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5 Easy Steps to Painting Over Spray Foam Insulation

Although spray foam is one of the best forms of insulation available in the market, you may be looking for ways of making it look aesthetically pleasing, too. After all, what is an insulation if it doesn’t even blend in with your home? 

Luckily, there are ways to do that: painting over spray foam insulation helps. You can do it yourself, too. With these tips, you can paint over spray foam insulation just as easily.

1) Find the Right Paint 

First of all, you need to choose the right paint. You don’t want to end up painting over foam insulation with the wrong kind of paint. At the very least, if you do, you will end up with paint peeling off your house. At the worst, you will get sick.

You might have heard that one of the best paints to use is oil-based house paint. However, there are some problems associated with using this kind of paint. A) It is really toxic, so you have to make sure that the room you are in is very well ventilated. B) It takes a long time to dry. C) It is expensive.

2) Make Sure Everything Is Completely Dry Before Application

One of the best things you can do to make sure your paint job lasts is to make sure that everything is completely dry. For example, you should choose a day with no rain.

If possible, you should also choose a day with sunny and dry weather. That way, your paint job will dry quickly.

3) Sand the Area Thoroughly 

Once you have waited for a couple of days for your spray foam to dry, you can start to sand it. This will ensure that your surface is rough enough for the paint to stick to. After all, the whole point of painting over foam insulation is to make the paint stick to it.

It is also important to make sure that you sand the entire surface. Don’t forget to sand the edges, too. Sanding is a very important step, so don’t skip it.

4) Use the Right Equipment

Spray foam insulation is a very hard material to work with. In order to make sure that your painting job goes as smoothly as possible, you should get the right equipment.

First, you should use a paint sprayer that has a high-pressure air compressor. This will ensure that your paint will dry faster.

Second, you should get yourself a paint roller that doesn’t leave behind lumps in the surface. Get one that allows you to achieve a smooth finish.

5) Apply the Paint

Now that you have everything ready, you can finally begin painting over the spray foam insulation.

First, you should get rid of any loose bits of foam insulation. Wipe everything off with a damp cloth. Make sure that you don’t leave behind any obvious paint streaks.

Next, you should apply your paint. Apply multiple coats, making sure that each coat is dry before you apply the next one.


Spray foam insulation performs really well in insulating homes, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t improve it. There are several ways you can use to make the foam insulation look better. Paint is one of the best solutions.

If you are considering spray foam insulation for your home, you can trust PolarTech Spray Foam to help you out. We are a commercial insulation company in Saskatoon that can offer quick and easy installations. Get in touch with us today!

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